Explanation Graphic

evaporation pix

This is my information graphic.  It describes how evaporation works.  The water on the Earth basically goes in a big circle.  It starts in the ocean where it is evaporated into clouds.  The clouds then travel and take in more water until they turn into rain clouds. Once they become rain clouds they then let all the rain out into the Earth.  Rain is called precipitation this water from the rain then gets evaporated back into clouds on a sunnier non-rainy day.

I choose to do evaporation as my graphic because I felt it was the topic I could best convey to someone in images.  While reminding myself of what I learned in middle school I decided I wanted to make a graphic that would be able to be understood by a younger person if needed to be.  So the research I did was from children’s science websites. I used the cite http://www.kidzone.ws/water/ to find out exactly what each step was and how it worked.  I did not like their graphic though so I googled images of evaporation and took a mixture of a few to get what I was looking for in a graphic.

When I first started I couldn’t even really remember how evaporation happened so this whole exercise really helped me to be able to explain it better. Before if someone had asked me what it was or how it worked I would have just said water from the Earth, Ocean, and plants gets lifted to clouds that then eventually get filled with water and rain back onto the earth giving a different area new life from the rain. Then the whole thing happens all over again.  Now I can use better terms like precipitation and condensation.

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